Brokenfence Photography

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Animal Haven's Annual "Walk A Dog A Thon" 2009

Walking the Dog or Release the Hounds!

September 26, 2009 was the date of our (The Animal Haven) annual Walk-A-Dog-A-Thon to raise much needed funds for our "Emergency Medical Fund" and for general shelter supplies (Food, Litter, bedding, cages... all the important, day to day items we need to run the shelter)

The day got off to a really chilly, fall type day but once the festivities began and the sun finally woke up, it turned into a really beautiful afternoon.

We had a pretty great turnout and the dogs (as well as the humans) were ready to walk and looked their best! The vendors were there with their wares and services and a DJ played good music to keep everyone entertained. Next year we hope to go even bigger with more attractions!

The Animal Haven would like to give a huge thank you to all involved and specially the Pets and their owners who turned out for the occasion!

Now, Time for some photos! Remember to click on each one to see it full sized.

The Scene: North Haven, CT town green.

The Dogs (with their Humans on a leash!)

And at last, The Walkers! There were two routes as always, a Short 1/2 Mile and a lomger two miles.. Glad to say, most did the two mile route.. Why not, it was an awesome day for a walk and I am sure all the dogs really loved it!

Hope to see you at Walk-A-Dog-A-Thon Next year!!
Youc visit my site for more Animal Haven Photos...


1 comment:

Zacker said...

Thanks Andy, Right back to you and Mel and the gang in the Bus!